Sarah and Us

Sarah and Us
Beautiful Sarah
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Time At Sarah's

We enjoyed spending Christmas with Sarah. She had a difficult time at first. Holiday's have always been hard for Sarah. 
She told me that she really misses her sisters and her aunts and uncle. I told her that one day we would all be together again and celebrate the holiday's together. 

I am amazed at how much she has grown. Yes, she still has melt downs from time to time, but she is getting better at communicating what is bothering her.

I remember the doctors telling us that she would probably never be able to communicate in a way we could understand and how she would never have facial expressions or be able to show affection in a proper way. are worth thousands of words. We had a great time :)

Thank you Sarah for inviting us over and thank you Monica for the wonderful meal you prepared for us :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sarah, Santa and the Mall

For my birthday this year I wanted to do something special. So we went to visit Sarah. Much to our surprise she wanted to go to the Mall and see Santa.
Now, in years past there was no way that she would ever go to the Mall, let alone even be near Santa. This was a wonderful first to see!!! As you can see Sarah was having a wonderful time.
Sarah knows that Christ is the reason for the season. She believes Santa is his helper. Such a child like mind :) Does it not say in the Bible that we should be as children?
We had a really good time. I love seeing how she is progressing. I realize that she has her good and bad days (like we all do), but her good days seem to be more and more and last longer. I am so grateful that her experiences now are really good ones.
It use to be that we would get kicked out of stores because of behaviors, now Sarah really enjoys going in the shops and looking at the things she likes. We are all so proud of you Sarah!