Sarah and Us

Sarah and Us
Beautiful Sarah

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Autism - Go Away - Let Me explain

I know that my title Autism - Go Away is probably not going to sit well with some people, but please let me explain.
I know that some individuals that are diagnosed with Autism are very comfortable with the diagnosis, and they think Autism is a benefit in there lives.
In our case I have always wished the Autism would go away for Sarah because, she never seems comfortable in her own skin because of it. She was diagnosed as High Functioning with slightly low IQ. Her behaviors growing up for the most part were not good.

Sarah is an adult now and she is having more success controlling herself with the help of God, her family, staff and dr.'s. 
With that being said, these past two weeks have been very hard for her. The aggressive behavior is rearing it's ugly head again and her staff is trying to find out what is going on to trigger these behaviors. They think it might be the changes in medicines or that perhaps her body is becoming acclimated to her medicines.
Sarah has a very high tolerance and because of this she has had to be on some pretty serious medicines. Her body does become acclimated to medicines pretty quickly. This is another reason I would like her to be on natural medicines.
As a parent I get very concerned about what such strong drugs are doing to her organs. 
Today, Sarah was suppose to come to our place for a picnic visit. Do to her having such a hard time with behaviors she is unable to do so. Maybe next weekend she can come here. I love her and miss her so much when I cannot see her.
This is why I just wish Autism and all of the things that come with it would just go away.

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